Buying and Selling Real Estate in Austin, Round Rock, Pflugerville, Cedar Park, and Leander.

Robin Scott, REALTOR® Broker. Accredited Buyer Representative. Certified Residential Specialist. 512.589.7988 robin@robinscottrealtor.comRobin's Real Estate NewsA U S T I N , T E X A S
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As a residential specialist in the greater Austin area, Robin has the expertise to help you buy or sell a home. Her goal is to provide a level of service that exceeds your expectations.For home buyers, I'll help with: * Obtaining financing * Understanding the home buying process* Locating and evaluating homes* Submitting and negotiating offers* Follow-through to closing and beyondFor home sellers, I'll help with:* Understanding the current real estate market* Pricing and staging your home* Marketing your home* Evaluating and negotiating offers* Follow-through to closing and beyond
Please browse this site to view Robin's property listings as well as those in the greater Austin area including Round Rock, Pflugerville, Cedar Park and Leander. This comprehensive online tool offers information for buyers and sellers including community information, consumer links, school information, free reports, and more.
If you currently own property and are thinking of placing it on the market, please contact Robin for a free comparative market analysis of your home by or call Robin at 512.589.7988
Thanks for visiting Robin's online real estate source. Bookmark this site for future reference, and ENJOY!
Robin Scott, REALTOR - Broker, ABR, CRSAmelia Bullock RealtorsBusiness: 512.589.7988 Fax: 512.233.5272Cell: 512.589.7988E-Mail: Robin@robinscottrealtor.comBlog:

Buying and Selling Real Estate in Austin, Round Rock, Pflugerville, Cedar Park, and Leander. Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: campos