
About Us - our qualifications, how the software was developed, how long we've been in business, etc.

The income property software suite is designed specifically for the USA and has been reviewed by numerous CPA firms in the USA. Tax matters and default tax rates are for the USA. The software suite also works well in any other English speaking country that uses dollars. If you want to use the software outside the USA, click here for information regarding international use.
The software suite was designed by commercial real estate developers, brokers, agents, lenders, and professional investors with substantial contributions made by 6 CPA firms and 2 commercial real estate appraisal firms.
RealBenefits uses terminology and calculations that are the national standards for real estate and/or accounting. In some cases, where there is no national real estate standard, we use all relevant regional terms and calculations and explain this.
For example, the phrases Debt Service Ratio and Debt Coverage Ratio mean the same thing, but each phrase is common to a different region of the USA. Therefore, RealBenefits uses both terms. For another example, Gross Rent Multiplier (GRM) and Gross Income Multiplier (GIM) mean the same thing, but each term is common to a different region of the USA. Therefore, we use both terms. For another example, Scheduled Gross Income and Potential Gross Income mean the same thing, so we use both terms.
RealBenefits Software works ideally for all regions of the USA. The Encyclopedia of income property real estate fully explains terms, concepts, principles, practices, and calculations. It also explains how these things relate to the software, income property, and relevant accounting principles. The Encyclopedia is in the Benefits IPO software, which is part of the Real Estate Investment Analysis and Development Software suite.
RealBenefits Software also works for other English speaking countries that use dollars. Click here for information on international use.

RealBenefits makes real estate investment analysis and development software for income property and commercial real estate developers, agents, investors, escrow officers, attorneys, accountants, and financial analysts. We also make Amortization Loan Software, which can be used by anyone for loans, mortgages, real estate contract sales, notes, car loans, etc.
RealBenefits Software makes professional, attractive, printed presentations that are ideal for conveniently creating and printing in-depth financial presentations. Some real estate or accounting knowledge and basic computer literacy are helpful. Microsoft Excel 2000 or any later version of Excel is required.

In 1994 a commercial real estate agent, who was also a programmer, began to make the Real Estate Investment Analysis Software suite and was soon joined by a commercial real estate developer and broker with 30 years experience who saw promise in the software. They both wanted to make real estate investment analysis presentations for clients. Over the next 2 years, several other experienced commercial real estate developers, brokers, agents, and professional investors joined the team. They joined to use the software in their daily business activities to make better investment presentations. They knew that by making their own software, they would get the features they needed. Starting in 1998, several CPA firms also became involved in the design process, which resulted in refinements.
Multiple ownership: of specific interest to the developers was (and is) the ability to make a presentation for each investor in a project where the presentation reflects that investor's share of ownership. This is explained in detail two sections below.

Small or beginning investors and agents: This software works simply and easily for small income property investments like rental homes, duplexes, 4-plexes, office space you intend to rent or lease, etc. If you have basic computer literacy, you can get started and become proficient with the APOD Software within 30 minutes and have an investment analysis presentation you can use to buy or sell income property or to assist you in obtaining financing. The APOD (operating statement) conforms to standard real estate practices for investment analysis. You can feel confident.
Small or beginning investors and agents should skip the next section below because it does not apply to them.

Real estate developers and experienced commercial agents: This section explains large projects with multiple owners (partnership owns the income property) or multiple investors (in an LLC or other entity that owns the income property). Explained in the next section below is why this software is ideal for multiple ownership situations (which are common for developers).
Multiple ownership: Of specific interest to developers is the ability to make a presentation for each investor in a large project where the presentation reflects that investor's share of ownership in the property (or LLC or other entity that owns the property). Also, developers are (or should be) concerned with " who is liable for the loan" (depreciation issues), the investor's tax bracket (depreciation and other tax issues), and other things that affect each investor in the project differently.
For example: If an investor buys 4% of a project, the software makes their presentation with dollar amounts that apply to their 4% specifically and their personal situation.
If another investor buys 10% in that project, their presentation would have numbers that apply to their 10% specifically and their personal situation.
The investor's loan liability, tax bracket, share of depreciation, potential tax benefits, cash flow, share of equity increase, ROI (IRR and Simple Return), Cap Rate, Gross Rent Multiplier, Debt Service Ratio (aka Debt Coverage Ratio) and much more are reflected in their presentation. Many of these things are different per investor, but the software easily allows you to make a presentation specific to each investor without having to reenter most input data. All you have to change is 5 to 6 input values. Often you only have to change 2 input values. Then save, then print. That's it. You've got a presentation for that investor in that project within 2 minutes. Note: this assumes that you've already filled in 22 project related input values ahead of time (as opposed to investor related input values, which are unique per investor). You'll spend more time waiting for your color printer to print the investor specific presentation than it takes to enter the investor related input values. You'll soon want a faster printer.

With this software, developers can easily and conveniently make investor specific presentations regardless of how many investors there are or their share of ownership. In most cases, you should give the investor 2 presentations: 1 for the project as a whole (100% ownership), and another specific to them personally. Start with an APOD. Make a Benefits IPO book later (based in part on the APOD).

The agent (and programmer) making the software was concerned with investors who would buy an entire small property by themselves, such as an investor who buys a duplex, 4-plex, 10-plex, etc. by themselves and owns 100% of it as a sole-proprietor.
This is addressed in the software and is simple and easy to do. Start with an APOD. Make a Benefits IPO book later if you need to.

The result is software that can do it all. Small projects to large projects, one or many investors, all entity types supported. If you don't know what these things mean, then know this: This software will do small investment projects like duplexes no problem. If you get bigger in the future, it's ready for that too.
Since 1995, the Real Estate Investment Analysis Software suite has been used successfully by commercial real estate developers to obtain income property construction financing, long-term financing, refinancing, investors in real estate LLCs, and to sell income property. The APOD, Benefits IPO, and SCF software are very useful in these areas.
Since 1997, the Real Estate Investment Analysis Software suite has been used successfully by commercial real estate brokers and agents to obtain income property financing, refinancing, and to sell income property. The APOD and Benefits IPO software are very useful in these areas.
RealBenefits became an LLC in 1998. i.e. - we officially became a software company with a Washington State LLC business license.
Since 1999, the Real Estate Investment Analysis Software suite has been used successfully by commercial real estate investors to obtain income property financing, refinancing, and to make investment analyses that help make buying and selling decisions. The APOD and Benefits IPO software are very useful in these areas.
The APOD software is useful to anyone involved with income property investment because it provides basic analyses, which makes it a good starting point.
The Amortization Loan Software is useful for real estate loans and mortgages, contract sales and notes, car loans, etc. It is useful to anyone wanting to calculate a loan (or note) payment and make a payment schedule. It can deal with up to 30 balloon payments without starting the amortization schedule over or re-entering input data. This makes it especially useful when writing financing terms for real estate contract sales (which are notes) because they often have one or more balloon payments. To say that in a different way, the Amortization Software is ideal for notes (private loans).
The Real Estate Investment Analysis Software suite contains all 5 software products (including the Amortization and Appreciation software) in one easy installation file.
The Amortization Loan Software contains only the Amortization and Appreciation software in one easy installation file.
RealBenefits product line includes tools that analyze real estate and financing (loans). The goal is more than analyses; it also includes printing desktop published presentations of the analyses. RealBenefits color presentations can be stapled or comb-bound into attractive, easy to read booklets. Many of the other real estate analysis software companies’ products cannot make attractive presentations because their analyses/presentation pages print in a layout that requires pages to be laid side-by-side and taped together, which does not make neat, professional presentations. RealBenefits Software was designed with the printed presentation in mind. You can make thorough on-screen analyses and attractive printed presentations of those analyses.
Some RealBenefits Software products are specifically designed for income property and commercial real estate analysis, while others are useful for analyzing all types of real estate.
The APOD, Benefits IPO, and SCF Software are designed specifically for income property and commercial real estate analysis.
The Appreciation Software is designed for all types of real estate.
The Amortization Loan Software is for loans, notes, or mortgages, which can be real estate related or car loans, private loans, notes, etc.
RealBenefits software products are NOT module based. All registered and free software products are fully functional! You do not need to buy modules to get additional capabilities. This saves you money, hassles, and increases software reliability. Note: You do need to buy a version capable of dealing with property values large enough for your purposes. Several versions are available.
RealBenefits Software was designed by 4 commercial real estate developers, 5 commercial real estate brokers, 3 commercial real estate agents, 3 professional real estate investors, 3 large scale landlords, 6 CPAs, 2 commercial lenders, and 1 programmer who is an expert in Word, Excel, VBA, VB, HTML (web), graphics and Photoshop, desktop publishing, commercial real estate, and accounting practices related to real estate investments.
Two commercial appraisal firms made valuable contributions.
RealBenefits presentations have been used since 1995 in Cowlitz County, Washington (state) with regard to new and pre-owned income property purchases and sales, and in obtaining financing and securing investors.
Beta testing of the software was done from 1995 to 1999 in Cowlitz County, Washington by a select group of real estate and accounting professionals and investors who used it in the course of their normal business activities.
There were approximately 8000 minor beta software versions and 50 major beta software versions from 1995 to 1999, each of which added more capabilities and addressed issues which helped perfect the software. This extensive effort to perfect the software is one reason why RealBenefits software is accurate, reliable, easy to use, and well documented with online help tools. The beta software was used by a limited number of beta testers. The first publicly released version of the software was called V1 (i.e.- Version 1).
The 1st and 2nd versions were publicly released (not beta) only in Cowlitz County, Washington. Version 3 was available nationwide, but was replaced by version 4 to add laptop keyboard support. Version 5 added Excel XP compatibility. Version 6 added Excel 2003 compatibility. Version 7 is now released and is available nationwide. Version 7 runs in Excel 2000, Excel XP (2002), and Excel 2003. We will maintain compatibility with all future versions of Excel.
Click here for detailed product information.
Download Free Software suite containing Free Versions of all products.
Download Registered Software suite containing Registered Versions of all products.
All RealBenefits Software products have a simple, native Windows interface, with many similarities to the Microsoft Excel interface because RealBenefits Software is based on Excel. Anyone with a real estate, lending, or accounting background and basic Windows computer literacy will find the RealBenefits interface easy to use, with very little learning required. You do not need to know Excel or anything about spreadsheet software because RealBenefits has done the work for you!
RealBenefits Software is less expensive than most competing products used by agents, appraisers, lenders, accountants, and developers, yet it does analyses that are as good or better, and prints vastly superior presentations. The printed presentation of analyses has always been the top priority to RealBenefits.
You can email your RealBenefits presentations from within the software to anyone you want. The recipient will be able to open, view, and print your presentation. The recipient does not need to have any RealBenefits software or MS Excel to view and/or print your presentations. This is a major advantage which our competitors do not offer. With our competitors' software, the email recipient of a presentation cannot open, view, or print it unless they own the same software, which is not likely.
Don’t take our word for it, download the free trial software package and see for yourself.
Click here for detailed product information.
Download Software Suite containing Free Versions of all products.
Technical support Telephone support is free the first time. Additional telephone support is $65 per hour billed in 15 minute increments. Email support is free for 30 days. Email support requests are responded to within 2 BUSINESS days. Additional email support is available for $45 per hour billed in 15 minute increments. Email Support or call 360-225-4646 (10AM to 4PM Pacific time).
Limited free support is available for the free trial version of RealBenefits Software.
There is never a support charge for assistance installing software. Installation assistance will NOT use up your free call.
There is never a technical support charge if you are calling to report a bug, get help with a bug, or to request a new feature or new software (some software companies charge for these things). Support is only charged for calls regarding how to use the software, or regarding real estate and/or accounting principles.
The Real Estate Investment Analysis Software V99K free version (suite) includes all 5 products with fully functional capabilities up to $99,000 property values. It can be used 10 times, then stops functioning until you buy any Registered Version.
The Amortization Loan Software free version (suite) includes 2 of the 5 products with fully functional capabilities up to $70,000 loan amounts. It can be used 10 times, then stops functioning until you buy the Registered Version.
You can use the free software to test the products. You may even be able to do some small real estate deals with it.
Limited free support is available for free software.

Our competitors typically do NOT offer ANY support for their free software. Many of them do NOT have free software. Demo software is non-functional and not the same as free software, which is functional.
Download Free Software
RealBenefits listens to its customers. If you have feedback or a new feature request, we will consider what you say and will implement it, if it will benefit the majority of RealBenefits Software users and is feasible to do.
There is never a technical support charge if you are calling to report a bug, get help with a bug, or to request a new feature or new software (some software companies charge for these things).

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