
The International Real Estate Review is a refereed academic journal affiliated with the Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES). It serves as a vehicle for communication between real estate academics, professionals, and policy makers.
The journal seeks to advance knowledge on real estate with special emphasis on Asian markets by publishing theoretical and empirical academic research papers concerning the Asian markets. Market and policy papers introducing and analyzing the operational and institutional setting, policy issues and real estate related laws and regulations of Asian real estate markets are also welcomed.
Full Text of Journal Articles This Web site offers the full text of all recent and past Journal articles published. Files are in Adobe PDF (portable document format). You will need to read our Copyright Notice for more information. The page also contains a link to Adobe Systems, Inc.'s web site so that you may get the browser plug-in necessary for downloading, viewing, and printing the articles.

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The International Real Estate Review web site is hosted by the College of Business & Economics at California State University, Fullerton. The Journal is the official publication of the Asian Real Estate Society.

Files, pages, articles, images, and other information contained on this web site are copyright of the International Real Estate Review and/or their respective owners. Reproduction or reprint, in whole or in part, whether in electronic or paper or other form, is prohibited without expressed written permission. All materials Copyright ? 1984-2001, the International Real Estate Review. Cal State Fullerton Disclaimer: The author or contributors of materials on this non-administrative Web site are solely responsible for the information and opinions posted here, which do not necessarily reflect the views of California State University, Fullerton. Updated Thursday, May 22, 2008
CURRENT ISSUE Vol.11, No. 1, 2008 is now available with the full text of articles in portable document format for download, viewing, and printing! Please refer to the Copyright Notice.
July 12-15, 2008 - Shanghai The 13th AsRES Annual Conference
ANNOUNCEMENTREIT Conference Awards Paper submission deadline - March 25, 2009
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE Click here to learn how to get issues of the IRER delivered to your door! SUBMIT YOUR PAPER! Or answer our call for papers to be published in forthcoming and special issues of the IRER. Editorial Policy Submission Guidelines EDITORIAL POLICY Feel free to discuss editorial policy and research interests with Ko Wang, Editor of the Journal. LINK TO US! Download our logo and link to us from your site. MEMBERS of the... Journal Editorial Board, AsRES Officers & Board, AsRES Sponsors OUR HOSTS Asian Real Estate Society Cal State Fullerton College of Business & Economics COMMENTS? Please send your feedback! COPYRIGHT We have a Copyright Notice.

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